Custom Store online earn more money open 24 hrs 7 days
MARKETING are two of the most important parts of today's business  needs. Without them you do not have a business. It is important to market your business to professional standards and to recognise the value and the pit falls in improper marketing. You need to follow strategies and patterns,  keep up with trends to have effective marketing. Without them your business could fail. Remember when you start a business, you start fresh, your all alone, it's you and your idea along with a few skills, mostly limited funds or a bank loan that makes you squirm at the thought of the costs and fees, then the bills start rolling in and you think ok I need to win this contract or do this job and I can pay my way. Business is about earning INCOME not just about PROFITS and paying the bills. You soon realise you need HELP but can't afford it, you ask family and friends for their FREE assistance. Good and clever marketing will provide results that will earn your income and meet your budget you just need us to help you get there.  

Market your Business Successfully

Welcome to our site. 
Aabbac Pty Ltd  develop and design web sites and stores for small business and corporations around the world.
our experience and expertise leave our competitors in our wake.

We are years ahead with ideas developments and design. Our innovations have been envied by thousands.
Not only do we develop and design web sites, we also provide years of experience in business mentoring, helping thousands of businesses and companies create successful futures.
Our members have 45 years of experience in a multitude of business and corporations throughout the world.
Today our clients enjoy new media marketing concepts that earn income for them without working for it. Enjoy your life and collect extra funds that may be used to develop your business, pay for needed equipment or just pay your fuel bill each week. Use our proven systems to successfully market your products and services to the world. Become successful today don't delay, email Allan  now for more information on how you can benefit from your services.

There are many ways to sell products today, local markets, website, Shops, warehouses, telephone, door knocking, letterbox drops the list goes on but how do you know you have the skills or the right place and are you achieving the ultimate results for your business. Your business is a reflection of you therefore how you present it to the public reflects on you. One of the most important rules FRIENDS and Business DO NOT MATCH. Employing friends and or their services is usually a sure way to loose those friends and create enemies. People remember the bad not always the good you only have to watch the News reports around the world bad News sells, we live and work in a depressed society, people are becoming more selfish therefore your marketing needs to consider these elements. It's easy to sell your product if the customer has to have it ie food or drink, it's hard to sell an item that they may like but don't NEED! therefore your job in this case is to create a need to your client. this makes your job harder. There are tools, education and talents available but then you need to charge more for the item because you have to spend more time, money and effort to meet your end result. One of the best tools available today is the Internet yet it too has it's pit falls. You need to understand how it works, know your demographics, add costs to cover freight, damage, insurance, loss of product etc. One more effective ways is to open a store online. Lets work out the costs against the price. When you consider selling at a market you will have rent (say $70.00)per day, a shop in a centre would cost you around ($1200.00) per day, these costs have time limits such as trading hours etc about 7hours. You could sit at home and run up a phone bill, wear your voice out taking to people for 8 hours each day. You could walk 6 kilometres in your own demographic area and hand out pre printed flyers 3 days 8 hours each or you can learn how to market and sell online in your own store which will operate 24 hours per day 7 days per week covering a world wide demographic region that won't take your whole 8 hours, can take money from your clients, bank it for you and provide invoices and receipts without you being there. Yes you will have costs shipping and handling however when you consider these costs and the time it would save you not to mention the global demographic audience providing at least 10% more clients it's looking great. We at www.aabbac.com create cost effective online marketing that is right for you and your business. We also offer cost effective help with your business needs use our 45 years of experience to assist you to manage, protect and develop success for your future.